Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB

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449 Kč
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Something really strange happened 10,000 years ago, and it changed everything.

Why did millions of people agree to obey a few leaders? Where did kings and kingdoms come from?

The answer to that is one of the strangest tales you'll ever hear. And it's a true story.

Have you ever wondered how we got here? From gathering berries and hunting mammoths, to shopping at supermarkets and letting people tell us what to do?

You might hear a lot of people say 'the world isn't fair'. But 
why isn't it? And how did it become so?

Unstoppable Us: Volume 1, we learned how humans told stories to become rulers of the world - for good and bad. Now, in this next chapter of the incredible true tale of the Unstoppables, find out how we learned to control animals like dogs, chicken and cows . . .

And how a handful of humans learned to control everyone else.

With full-colour illustrations showing the relentless rise and rise of the human race, this is history like you've never experienced it before.


About the Author

Yuval Noah Harari (Author)
Prof Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind has become an international phenomenon attracting a legion of fans from Bill Gates and Barack Obama to Chris Evans and Jarvis Cocker, and is published in 65 languages worldwide. It was a Sunday Times Number One bestseller and was in the Top Ten for over nine months in paperback. His follow-up to SapiensHomo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow was also a Top Ten Bestseller and was described by the Guardian as 'even more readable, even more important, than his excellent Sapiens'. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, was a Number One Bestseller and was described by Bill Gates as 'fascinating' and 'crucial'. Harari worked closely with renowned comics illustrator Daniel Casanave and co-writer David Vandermeulen to create his latest book, an adaptation of his first bestseller, Sapiens Graphic Novel: Volume 1.


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Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB
Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB
Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB
Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB
Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB
Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari TPB

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