There's a Mountain in This Book

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499 Kč
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499 Kč
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Featuring die-cut flaps and interactive gatefolds, this book places young adventurers in the hiking boots of a mountain explorer to discover first-hand the plants, animals and environments these mighty landscapes contain.

There's a Mountain in This Book provides young readers with an immersive experience of breathtaking mountain environments. Visit forests and caves in the foothills of the Alps; canyons, lakes and spectacular geysers in the Rocky Mountains; rainforest and moorland in the uplands of Mount Kilimanjaro; and the snowy glaciers and icefalls of the Himalayas. Discover remarkable flora and fauna, including mighty bears, snowy leopards, and even a rare cave-dwelling salamander with no eyes!

Using clever die-cut flaps and gatefold pages, the book details how mountains are formed, shows a cut-through of the interior structure of a mountain, and describes the effects of changing seasons and climates on mountains in different parts of the world. Expedition logs encourage readers to use their senses to explore each location as they climb.

About the Author

Rachel Elliot is an experienced author and editor living in Devon, England. She has an MA in Modern Literature from the University of Kent and has written over twenty books for children, including Maisie Mammoth’s Memoirs and Danny Dodo’s Detective Diary. Genevieve Lacroix is a debut illustrator and animator originally from California and currently living in Sweden.


Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 48
Formát: 23 x 30 cm
Rok vydání: 2024

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There's a Mountain in This Book
There's a Mountain in This Book
There's a Mountain in This Book
There's a Mountain in This Book
There's a Mountain in This Book
There's a Mountain in This Book

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