POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul

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869 Kč
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869 Kč
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Pocha; short for pojangmacha, which literally translates as ‘covered wagon’; pocha is a tented or tarpaulin-covered stall, bar or market vendor serving up cheap and unfussy Korean comfort food, snacks and drinks.
In Pocha, Su Scott is going home to the streets where she grew up and the food that shaped her. From daybreak to sundown, 80 delicious and playful recipes take you on a journey through the narrow streets of Seoul and sheltered halls of tarpaulin-roofed markets where dust motes and steam glitter in the glow of orange tungsten lights.
This is unfussy, easy, comforting food from a country that has perfected late night eating and drinking culture. From Corn Dogs and Fried Chicken to Kimchi Pancakes and Perilla Oil Noodles for slurping (and perhaps some ice-cold soju to wash it all down), Pocha invites you to bring the beating heart of Korea's food scene into your kitchen.
Filled with vibrant location photography from Seoul that weaves a tale of Su's touching return to her home country, Pocha is an electric and tender cookbook.

About the Author

Su Scott is a Korean-born food writer living in London. In October 2019 she won the Best Reader’s Recipe category at the prestigious Observer Food Monthly Awards with her recipe for kimchi jjigae. Since winning the award, she’s pursued a freelance career as a food writer and recipe developer, in between being a mother. In January 2021, she was featured in Waitrose Food magazine as a rising star of the food world and contributed her family recipes under the title ‘Home Comfort’. Her domestic kitchen-friendly recipes based on food from her childhood have been well received by editors, food teams and readers for their purposefully simple approach and impactful flavour, and her recipes can also be found in many other food publications including Sainsbury’s magazineOlive magazine and Waitrose Weekend newspaper.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 256
Formát: 19,9 x 25,5 cm
Rok vydání: 2024

Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 2 000 Kč.

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Zásilkovnu můžete využít pro vyzvednutí z parcell shopů, AlzaBoxů, nebo Z-boxů ve svém okolí.

Kurýr GLS doručí objednávky druhý pracovní den v případě, že objednáte do 14. hodiny.

Expresní doručení do 2 hodin je dostupné na všech pražských a brněnských adresách. Objednávku odešleme během pracovní doby obchodů.

S každým speciálním přáním nebo otázkou nás určitě kontaktujte. Vždy uděláme maximum, abyste byli spokojení a svou knihu dostali, když ji potřebujete. Sami to známe :-)


Nemějte strach, že se netrefíte 😎

Nevhodný dárek u nás vyměníte kdykoliv, bez časového omezení. V lednu, v únoru, prostě kdykoliv a v klidu.

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POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul
POCHA Simple KOrean Food from the Streets of Seoul

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